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BB-8 1/10e – Star wars


Elite Collection - 1/10th scale.

A small two-tone astromech droid, BB-8 is the "pet droid" of Poe Dameron who has a strong attachment to him. BB-8 is entrusted by the latter with the map that leads to Luke Skywalker, it is the element that initially gives him strong importance in Rey's arc, when the resistance most needs Return of the Jedi ... He meets Rey on Jakku just as he is about to be captured by a scrap dealer named Teedo, who is then surely after his spare parts. Rey meets Finn the day after meeting BB-8 at Niima Outpost, Finn then wearing Poe Dameron's jacket, which BB-8 immediately recognizes.bb8

Dark Maul 1/10e – Star wars


Elite Collection - 1/10th scale.

Maul is a Zabrak born on the planet Dathomir. He is a son of Mother Talzin, the spiritual leader of the Nightsisters, otherwise known as the Witches of Dathomir. Shortly before the Clone Wars, he was selected by Darth Sidious to become his disciple, the Sith Lord sensing in him early Force abilities. Sidious instills and maintains in him a fierce hatred of the Jedi, in order to lead the Jedi order to its downfall during the Clone Wars. Presumed dead after his duel with Obi-wan Kenobi, the Zabrak retreats to the depths of the galaxy where he is found in a state close to death by one of his brothers, Savage Opress, who will bring him to Dathomir so that he can be grafted with cybernetic legs thanks to the magic of Talzin. From then on, he became a crime lord at the head of an organization he created: The Shadow Collective, and allied himself with various clans such as the Hutts or the Pyke syndicate... Darth Maul

Cody – Ready to Fight – Star Wars


Classic Collection - 1/5th Scale 

CC-2224, nicknamed Cody, is a clone commander marshal of the 212th Attack Battalion. He was born on Kamino, in the town of Tipoca City. During the Clone Wars, Cody participated in many battles alongside Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, including during the sieges of the Outer Rim. During the Battle of Utapau, he recovers Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber that fell during his fight against General Grievous, before issuing the order to kill him a few seconds later, by executing "order 66". Classic collection, 1/5th scale.

BB-8 1/5e – Star wars


Classic Collection 1/5.

BB-8 is a white, orange, and gray BB-series astromech droid. Like all the droids in his series, he has the particularity of moving while rolling. It is owned by Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, for whom he co-pilots in his X-Wing T-70, the Black One. BB-8 meets Rey and Finn on the planet Jakku, along with Poe, before traveling to Takodana thanks to Han Solo and Chewbacca. bb8 b b 8


Immerse yourself in the world of Benjamin and discover this splendid statue of Lucy!

Snoke sur son trône 1/10e – Star wars


Elite Collection - 1/10th scale.

Snoke is a powerful character with a strong knowledge of the Dark Side of the Force to the point of being able to generate "Lightning Bolts" like Darth Sidious. He is the supreme leader of the First Order until his death. Snoke himself tipped Ben Solo to the dark side of the Force as Kylo Ren, to prevent the birth of the New Jedi Order. Elite collection, at 1/10th scale

Sketchbook Reynès 

Immerse yourself in the world of collecting Sketchbooks  published by COMIX BURO and discover the sketchbooks of the best comic book authors!

General Grievous 1/5e – Star wars


Classic Collection - 1/5th Scale

Qymaen jai Sheelal by his full name, General Grievous was first and foremost a warlord, a reptilian race from the planet Kalee. When the separatist leaders, including Count Dooku and his master Darth Sidious, discover the extraordinary potential of this Kaleesh general, they decide to make him a valuable ally. Dooku then traps him, nearly killing him and keeping him alive through his dark powers until he is placed in a vat of bacta on Geonosis. He then becomes this being with a bionic body who will play a major role in the clone war on the separatist side.

Padme Amidala 1/5e – Star wars


Classic Collection - 1/5th Scale

Padme Amidala fut un temps la Reine démocratiquement élue de Naboo avant de représenter le secteur Chommell en tant que sénatrice au Sénat Galactique. En tant que Reine de Naboo, Padmé participe à la libération de son peuple, devenant ainsi l'une des figures politiques les plus respectées de la Galaxie. Elle Joue un rôle essentiel dans les événements entourant la Guerre des Clones, où elle contribue, avec d'autres sénateurs, à la fondation de ce qui devint plus tard l'Alliance Rebelle, à travers la création de la Délégation des 2000.

Obi-Wan Kenobi 1/5e – Star wars


Classic Collection - 1/5th Scale

Obi-Wan Kenobi, later known as Ben Kenobi, is a Jedi knight from the days of the Galactic Republic. He trained the Jedi Anakin Skywalker until he fell to the Dark Side and brought an end to the Jedi Order. With the advent of the Galactic Empire, he went into exile on Tatooine to watch over Skywalker's son, Luke, before becoming his mentor shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Kenobi then introduces Luke to the Force, before he even joins it during his duel with his former apprentice, Darth Vader.

Tusken Raider 1/5e – Star wars


Classic Collection - 1/5th Scale

Également appelés Hommes des sables ou pillards Tusken en version française, les Tusken Raiders sont un peuple de nomades parcourant le désert de Tatooine se fondant dans le paysage pour rester invisibles. Très hostiles aux étrangers, Ils sont habillés de grands manteaux, ils se couvrent entièrement pour survivre dans leur rude environnement. Leur tête est entièrement recouverte de bandages, et elle est équipée d'un piège à humidité et d'un filtre respiratoire. Ils sont armés d'un Bâton gaderffi muni d'une lame empoisonnée. Leur première apparition dans l'univers de Star Wars date du premier film, "Un Nouvel espoir".

Garde Gamorréen 1/5e – Star wars


Classic Collection - 1/5th Scale

Hailing from the planet Gamorr, the Gamorreans are creatures as powerful as they are stupid. They are very brutal, and have a very low technological level. Contact with the planet Gamorr and its people is very rare, as these primitive creatures can attack and tear anyone to pieces. Due to their large build, many Gamorreans are employed off-planet as mercenaries or henchmen. Several of them work within Jabba the Hutt's criminal organization, as the gang leader's bodyguards. Classic collection, 1/5th scale.