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His Majesty of the Bears – Volume 1

Here is our favorite to read urgently, The Columns of Garuda, the 1st volume of the series Her Majesty of the Bears, by Cassegrain, Dobbs and Vatine, at Comix Buro Editions!!

The Living Death

Alberto Varanda & Olivier Vatine's masterpiece based on the novel by Stefan Wul!

Rendezvous with X – Diên Biên Phu

Find the cult program of France Inter Rendez-vous avec X in comics!

Date with X – The Chinese

Find the cult program of France Inter Rendez-vous avec X in comics!

Date with X – Mata Hari

Find the cult program of France Inter Rendez-vous avec X in comics!

Infinity 8 – Tome 2

Eight Agents, eight missions, eight temporal reboots to unveil the truth and save the Infinity 8! Space opera-comedy in 8 volumes, imagined and piloted by Lewis Trondheim and Olivier Vatine, the project Infinity 8 brings together a cast of exceptional authors: Balez, Bertail, Biancarelli, Boulet, De Felici, Guibert, Killofer, Kris, Mourier, Trystram, Trondheim, Vatine, Vehlmann, Zep

Evil Aliens + Figure - Red Cover

Comic book format sold with a figurine and a sheet of 12 super fun stickers.

Evil Aliens + Figure - Blue Cover

Comic book format sold with a figurine and a sheet of 12 super fun stickers.

Evil Aliens + figure - green cover

Comic book format sold with a figurine and a sheet of 12 super fun stickers.