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Valhalla Hotel – Volume 2

Characters all more stamped than each other, fighting scenes worthy of a Tarantino in a setting as arid as the throat of El Loco, pursuits in supercharged cars, a good dose of heavy metal, a pinch of suspense , and above all a lot, a lot of black humor...

Valhalla Hotel – Volume 3

Characters all more stamped than each other, fighting scenes worthy of a Tarantino in a setting as arid as the throat of El Loco, pursuits in supercharged cars, a good dose of heavy metal, a pinch of suspense , and above all a lot, a lot of black humor...

Valhalla Hotel – Volume 1

Characters all more stamped than each other, fighting scenes worthy of a Tarantino in a setting as arid as the throat of El Loco, pursuits in supercharged cars, a good dose of heavy metal, a pinch of suspense , and above all a lot, a lot of black humor...

Streamliner - Integral

The run of the century, a mechanical western in 2 volumes, by 'Fane !

Bettie Hunter – Volume 1

A supercharged and rowdy adventure in the vein of Guardians of the Galaxy : pop and much denser than it looks.

Streamliner – Volume 1

The run of the century, a mechanical western in 2 volumes, by 'Fane !

Streamliner – Volume 2

The run of the century, a mechanical western in 2 volumes, by 'Fane !