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The return of John Blacksad… And some of his companions!


John Blacksad #2, the bust of the famous detective, finally back!
And he's not alone...

The most cunning of feline detectives is making a comeback in the Blacksad Busts collection!

For the occasion, John Blacksad did not return alone: Hans Karup, the polar bear police commissioner and Alma Mayer will be the part ! And as the old adage goes, never two without three: The John Blacksad's version of the "whacky face" will also be making a comeback!

Attention ! Unlike his companions who wanted to spend the end of the summer with us, Alma Mayer will not be available for delivery until November 2022! Always the same ones who like to be desired… 🙂

A collection launched in 2007

The Blacksad Busts collection was born in 2007 at Attakus. The idea was to create a range in homage to this cult series, which would highlight not only its hero, John Blacksad, but also all the characters who bring to life the different stories and investigations facing our hero and his friends. A few years later, we are therefore extremely proud of each of the 25 busts that make up this beautiful collection, which we wanted to keep at affordable prices in order to stick to the popularity of the comic strip by Juanjo Guarnido and Juan Diaz Canales.

And, of course, we don't intend to stop there!

Illustration de Juanjo Guarnido

Deux nouveaux bustes en préparation !

Les dessins de deux nouveaux bustes sont approuvés… Nous travaillons en ce moment même sur les prototypes ! Vous ne tarderez donc pas à découvrir les deux nouveaux personnages qui feront leur entrée dans la collection. Ils sont tous deux présents dans le tome 6 “Alors tout tombe” paru en septembre dernier. Les paris sont lancés sur leur identité !

Carte interactive de toute la collection des Bustes Blacksad Attakus :


Oldsmill Bust - Blacksad

Oldsmill is a white tiger and a wealthy socialite. He is rich and lives in a large house. In Arctic Nation, Blacksad tries to ask him about the death of Dinah, Jezabel's sister. In the past, before Jezabel and Dinah were born, he tried to influence their father, Karup, into joining the all-white neighborhood and becoming part of the organization, but their mother felt fearful about this. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation !
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B406 - Natalia Wilford


Buste Hans Karup - Blacksad

Hans Karup is a polar bear whose profession is police commissioner. He appears in volume 2, "Artic-Nation". He is the leader of the supremacist movement of the same name. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!
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Buste Jake Ostiombe - Blacksad

Le prix initial était : 55,00€.Le prix actuel est : 49,50€.
Be careful, making Jake Ostiombe angry is not a good idea! Faithful friend of John, but also a boxer, this gorilla is Natalia's former bodyguard. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!
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Buste Neal Beato - Blacksad

Neal is a spotted hyena who appears in volume 5 (Amarillo). He's a lawyer and he's also Chad Lowell's literary agent. When he understands that John Blacksad is also looking for Chad, he decides to accompany him. As the story progresses, he befriends the detective. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!
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B412 - Otto Lieber


Buste Ted Leeman - Blacksad

Ted Leeman is a hippo, huge and cynical private investigator. Initially hired by Faust to find Sebastian, his client fired him before calling on John. Still with a cigar in his mouth and moist with perspiration, his driving seems as efficient as his discretion! Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!

Buste Smirnov - Blacksad

Immerse yourself in the ATTAKUS universe of - and collect the characters of the cult comics
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Buste Thomas Lachapelle - Blacksad

Thomas Lachapelle is Faust's son. He's been taking care of Hannah since Sebastian went wild. Is it out of jealousy towards him or out of sincere love towards her? In view of his facial expression, it must undoubtedly be jealousy ... Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!
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Buste Fiston - Blacksad

Le prix initial était : 55,00€.Le prix actuel est : 49,50€.
Donna Blacksad is the sister of John Blacksad. She appears in the fifth album of the series: Amarillo. Son, is a lizard sent by Ivo Statoc to eliminate John. But he will be killed by another henchman from Ivo. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation.
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Buste Black Bull "Black Claws" - Blacksad

Black Bull is a formidable member of the Black Claws, a band of disturbing black hooligans, of which we will only see three members: a horse, a bull and a rottweiler ... Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of busts to collect without moderation!
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B409 - Jezabel


Buste Chad Lowell - Blacksad

Le prix initial était : 55,00€.Le prix actuel est : 49,50€.
Chad Lowell is a tormented young lion. He is one of the main characters in Amarillo, the fifth album in the Blacksad series. Chad is an unconfident writer, he doesn't look mean but has bad company, especially his friend Abe Greenberg, a bison poet. Discover the BlackSad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation.
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Buste Faust Lachapelle - Blacksad

Faust Lachapelle is the owner of a prominent local New Orleans label. He is a failed musician who has managed to recruit more talented but less fortunate musicians. He is terminally ill and is being cared for by Mrs. Gibraltar, a voodoo priestess. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation! - imagined by Juanjo Guarnido  through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!

Buste Alma Mayer - Blacksad

Alma Mayer is a writer who appears in Volume 3 "Red Soul". She has a brief relationship with John Blacksad. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!
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Buste Sebastian Fletcher - Blacksad

Sebastian "Little Hand" Fletcher, heroin addict pianist and musician Faust's favorite, director of a famous blues record company, will be actively sought by John in Volume 4 (Hell, silence), passing through La Nouvelle- Orleans. He disappears without leaving a trace, suggesting that a heavy secret holds him prisoner. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!

B410 - Dinah


Buste Kyle Karup - Blacksad

Kyle is central to the plot of Blacksad's second album, "Arctic-Nation". Indeed, John Blacksad is looking for it from the beginning of the album. Kyle, real name Kayleigh, is missing. Her mother died when she was still very young. As for her father ... She never knew him. ”Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation.
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John Blacksad #2 Bust

John Blacksad (né en 1926) est un chat noir détective privé. Enfant grandissant dans les bas-fonds de New-York, il y apprend à se battre et se fait régulièrement poursuivre par la police. Le fils du pasteur local, le professeur Otto Lieber, le tire un jour d'un mauvais pas en lui accordant une « seconde chance ». Découvrez l'univers Blacksad imaginé par Juanjo Guarnido au travers de cette série de magnifiques bustes à collectionner sans modération.
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B407 - John Blacksad


B400 - Weekly


Buste John Blacksad #3 "gueule cassée"

These are the risks of the profession when you are a private detective of this stature ... As he said so well to Otto Liebber “before I ran in front of the police, now I am chasing the bad guys. It seems that the situation has turned around in this case. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation.
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Donna Bust - Blacksad

Donna Blacksad is the sister of John Blacksad. She appears in the fifth album of the series: Amarillo. Donna is a young black and white cat, like her brother. She is raising her son alone, a little ginger kitten named Ray, and works as a tour guide in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It allows us to learn a little more about Blacksad's family. Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!

Buste Weekly #2 - Blacksad

Weekly is a newspaper reporter, who becomes Blacksad's new friend / sidekick. It is a weasel with an optimistic attitude and a reporter working for a newspaper with sensations, that John Blacksad saves from a lynching in order by the members of the "Arctic-Nation". Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!

Buste Horse "Black Claws" - Blacksad

The Black horse is an essential member of the Black Claws, a band of disturbing black hooligans, of which we will only see three members: a horse, a bull and a rottweiler ... Discover the Blacksad universe imagined by Juanjo Guarnido through this series of magnificent busts to collect without moderation!
Alors, les avez-vous tous ?!

Rappel : le tome 6 “Alors, tout tombe” est le dernier volume

de la saga en date, paru en septembre 2021 !

À retrouver chez votre libraire préféré !

We wish you all a pleasant summer!

Attakus team
