News page accueil, Nouveauté Attakus

Dungeon: Expeditions have begun!

Dear contributors, dear customers, passing through or always:

We are very pleased to announce that shipments of collectors boxes Dungeon Zenith sont en cours !
It's official ! The first of you who participated in the Ulule campaign around the work of
Lewis Trondheim & Joann Sfar
have already received their Donjon Zenith collector's pack, some may have even tasted the legendary
Dungeon Mustard !
We hope that our three heroes will fill you with happiness, as much as we took to develop them. Shipments therefore got off to a good start in mid-April as planned! We remind you that nearly
600 boxes were ordered during the campaign, that makes the package!

What Lewis Trondheim, Joan Sfar, Attakus and Ulule promise you...

... Laposte (french postal services) brings it to you... (Don't worry, the hill start went well anyway...)

Reminder: Bonus review

The different levels that have been reached:
– 100%: character-decor: Le Berbouche

– 120%: decor: The Chest

– 150%: decor: The axe, the dagger & bones

– 180%: decor: Le lapin écrasé sous un rocher + pièces d’or

– 200%: character-decor: Bubulle

– 250%: accessory: Marvin's Wings

– 300%: character-decor: Poulpadaire

– 550%: character: Grogro

– 650%: decor: Tilapin skulls and bones

– 700%: accessory: Skewers of Tilapins and Tipoulets skulls

– 800% : hors-diorama : La Moutarde de Donjon, signée par Lewis Trondheim (Grâce au palier des 1000%)




– 1000% Un concours va être mis en place dans les prochaines semaines, 5 gagnants se verront offrir un repas sur Paris en compagnie de Lewis Trondheim et probablement d’autres auteurs Donjon ! Suivez bien les actualités sur nos réseaux sociaux et le blog ATTAKUS !

Rappel : Ne peuvent participer au concours que les participants à la campagne Ulule qui ont acheté
un Pack Donjon Collector et/ou un pack Donjon monochrome ultra collector

Reminder: Delivery of packs

Collector's boxes:

– The boxes, from the 301st to the 500th ordered, will be delivered with Bubulle and le Poulpadaire during April. The rest of the bonuses will be delivered from 15/06/2022, date to be confirmed
– Boxes ordered beyond the 500th will be delivered (box 3 characters + Dungeon Mustard) in April. All bonuses up to 300% will be delivered during June. The rest of the bonuses will be delivered in September


They have all been sent, after having been duly signed! The proof in video !

Magic Mugs

They have all been shipped!

The lottery draw

The lottery draw took place (see opposite)

Ultra-collector monochrome sets

They will all be delivered from 06/15/2022, date to be confirmed
Thank you again to everyone who participated in this wonderful campaign.
The appointment is already made in September for the next campaign!
Stay connected!